NNTC integrates intelligent video analytics solutions that detect and recognize separate objects (people, vehicles, zones, etc.) in video, monitor behavior, and make forecasts. The proprietary runtime implementation of neural networks enables face processing to be executed in a fraction of a second, outperforming popular platforms in blind tests. Modules work independently from each other. In combination with other technologies such as virtualization, NNTC builds powerful, distributed and scalable solutions.
NNTC integrates intelligent video analytics solutions that detect and recognize separate objects (people, vehicles, zones, etc.) in video, monitor behavior, and make forecasts. The proprietary runtime implementation of neural networks enables face processing to be executed in a fraction of a second, outperforming popular platforms in blind tests. Modules work independently from each other. In combination with other technologies such as virtualization, NNTC builds powerful, distributed and scalable solutions.
NNTC’s proprietary face recognition engine detects, captures, and recognizes multiple faces per second and can be effectively used by law enforcement officers in crowded areas and at critical infrastructure facilities (transport hubs, energy/water/heating supply facilities), thus ensuring proper security on sites where individuals are to be identified or registered, including:
Analytics of video footage allows company’s management to gain valuable insight into employee attendance and generate various custom reports with a large set of filters.
As cameras capture employee entering the workspace, a facial recognition system instantly identifies an individual and changes their attendance status.
Face recognition can be a basis for intelligent visitor management solution — a software and hardware system for logging visitors and managing visitor access within the premises.
Video analytics solutions help retailers run efficient marketing campaigns, improve efficiency of shopping zones, and deliver better customer experience.
By the end of 2019, it will be rolled out in 80 stores across the country.
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