Dmitry Doshaniy, NNTC General Manager, summarized 2020’s results and determined development strategy for the next year. What 2020 has taught us and what strategy to follow in 2021? In today’s blog, we will share the main insights from Dmitry’s interview.
2020’s online survival is 2021’s new normal
Online communication services, messengers, and platforms have won extra audience as a result of self-isolation and business events going online, which is the case for both B2C and B2B sectors. For example, we at NNTC also felt the need to enhance online communication with our audience. Thus, we held webinars for customers and partners, which was a great and rewarding experience for our team.
After 2020, it’s even easier for tech companies to sell online. If, for example, you sell software a customer doesn’t need to “touch and feel”, all you need to do is provide a demo version or deliver an online presentation, and then close the deal through Zoom. This was not possible before and has only recently turned into a common business practice, and we believe these changes also bring us business development opportunities. The fact that online business meetings have become a new normal can unlock new development opportunities and boost our geographic expansion.
Technology is a lifesaver – and 2020 has proved it
During the lockdown, society has become more technologically advanced. Even the most stagnant skeptics appreciated the importance of technology and learned how to use its benefits. This interest will continue after people return to the offices. We are happy with that, since NNTC sells its solutions to people who are not afraid of technology and strive to use it for good.
In addition, we will see growing investments in healthcare and infectious disease control solutions, both organizational and technological. Indeed, this year, Apple and Google have developed an API to track contacts with virus carriers. NNTC also already offers a solution for manufacturing and construction sites that detects social distancing violations and helps identify contacts with infected people, so that affected personnel can be promptly sent to quarantine and receive medical treatment. Indeed, technologies save people’s lives.
Make decisions wisely in 2021
2020 has been a good year to cultivate morale and find new ideas and approaches for business development. Moreover, our specialists had such a good practice in implementing ideas that they have reached a brand-new level of product development speed.
Now, it is time to adopt a more balanced and less opportunistic business approach. The year 2020 has shown that we need to carefully calculate and consider response time in advance. When a demand arises for a certain type of development, the temptation is to meet this demand as soon as possible using R&D resources. However, we need to look beyond and carefully consider the next steps to avoid wasting precious time and resources in pursuit of such demand. We need to be preparing for the post-crisis time right now and think long-term rather than short-term. We are actively reviewing our solution portfolios taking into account the company activities completed in 2020. From now on, our strategy involves fewer products and more active product development.
I try to be optimistic and believe that the next year will be better than 2020. Also, in 2021 we’ll face a very intense deferred demand, as after any crisis. After the pandemic, people will be even more eager to live better life, traveling, meeting with peers in their offices, shopping, entertaining, and completing professional projects.